Economics being one of the most-chosen areas of study during the recent years, has garnered interest of students from science, humanities, commerce streams. The sheer ability of being able to combine economics as a core study area or as an interdisciplinary study, makes it popular among the students. This said, it is also pertinent to mention here that studying economics from top economics colleges in India, makes a world of difference. Among the best-known colleges in India for Economics Honours is Symbiosis School of Economics. Situated in the verdant settings of Pune, the college is known to attract students from across the country and round the globe those who wish to pursue and choose Economics as a career path later in their lives. The college offers both undergraduate degrees with an Economics Honours as well as a postgraduate degree that leads to Masters in Economics India. We take a look into why Symbiosis School of Economics has retained its top spot among the Economics colleges of India Under-graduate degree in Economics is a full-time, three-year program that aims to impart program structure that would retain the traditional elements while also aims to plug in the current and contemporary developments. With a wide array of out of the box courses namely Accounts, environmental economics, international business, research methodology, political economy, the aim of the college is to garner interest and enable critical thinking in students pursuing Economics Honours. This enables students to help develop logical analysis and deep understanding for the crucial issues pertaining to national and international economics. The Masters in Economics India study at SSE, focuses on creating a strong background in Mathematics, Statistics, Econometrics, while also understanding the contemporary economics and other subfields of Economics. The basis content for the course at the post-graduate level focuses on training students to apply the academics on the economic concepts of real-life and inter-disciplinary specializations. There are various career options that students can opt for upon completion of the M.Sc. program in economics, being public sector and private sector, policy making, banking and finance, advisory and consultation work as well. Students also have a choice to opt for research and study at international universities to be able to pursue careers at various international bodies such as the World Bank, IMF, UNO, UNESCO, among others. SSE is among the top economics colleges in India, SSE aims to bring to the students a focused, balanced program for students to pursue their area of choice as they move ahead in their career. To apply to the Masters in Economics India at SSE, the main eligibility criteria is to have a graduate degree from the recognized university. The selection procedure is through a Personal Interaction and writing ability test that is conducted by the SSE. On the other hand, students who wish to seek admission to the Undergraduate degree program are advised to appear for the Symbiosis Entrance Test (SET) first, before being selected for the several rounds of personal interview round and writing ability test, meant for shortlisted students. Undergraduate degree in Economics Honours provides virtually a great area of specializations and opportunities, including pursuing a career in the public sector or private sectors, post-graduate studies and working for NGOs. Students have a choice to pursue a postgraduate study in Economics or pursue MBA or such other areas of specializations of their areas of interest upon successful completion of the undergraduate degree in Economics. Pursuing the study of Economics from the top economics colleges in India has a set of advantages. The college offers world-class amenities and facilities for students, that include hostel facilities, extra-curricular activities and co-curricular activities, gyms, swimming club, hobby classes, fitness clubs among others. With focus on open learning and scope for honing one’s talent and skills, SSE offers the best of both worlds-academics and overall personality development.